Photo Credit Pexels-elina-volkova
We are all travelling on the freeway of life
Experiencing periods of joy, and at times, sorrow and strife Along the way we meet and gather family and friends Develop our habits and behavioural trends
None is born with the seal of "Date of expiry" This voyage called life is a journey of inner inquiry
Time does not slow down or stop for anyone For many, before this realization strikes, their earthly sojourn is done
We pass through sunny climes and at times, inclement weather
Fervently hoping that our troubles be only as light as a feather
While travelling, we hit traffic snarls and road bumps and stumble
But recover ourselves, keep going and don't crumble
During this journey, we lose many a relative and chum
Making us feel sad, forlorn and glum
We are the lucky ones that have made it this far
Despite suffering setbacks, wounds and many a scar
None knows in the next mile what surprise or danger lurks
So don't be callous or behave like jerks
Many of us are reaching the twilight of our earthly days
so, leave behind a legacy of meritorious ways
The sun sets slowly and the shadows grow longer May our bonds with our brethren grow much stronger Cherish your loved ones, for they are your treasure Love them unconditionally, without any fear or pressure Instead, if we worry about trivia, fake news and Brexit We will, without realizing it, soon come upon our exit We will all leave with empty hands Cannot take any of our wealth, looks, titles or lands So lets shed our pride, selfishness and vain ego Treat each other with kindness, and compassion forever more Treasure the times spent with those near and dear Share and spread unconditional love, without reserve or fear Always be kind and loving to your fellow man Be helpful and uplifting as much as you can Be with a smile, and be loving, no matter how difficult life gets Then when its time to depart, we can do so without regrets Its been my pleasure & privilege to share this journey with friends like you Sticking together through thick and thin, like platelets and super glue Thank you for sharing my journey and making it so memorable It was certainly, many times, incredible, and often enjoyable. A.Sivakumar