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Covid-19 and Srilanka, an interview with Prof Saroj Jayasinghe

Professor Saroj Jayasinghe is certain that the Sri Lankan Covid 19 data are accurate. Saroj,who is the Professor of Medicine and Medical Humanities in Colombo, tells Kuvera that the figures for Covid 19 infections in Sri Lanka are accurate and free of outside influences. He credits the tireless workers of the Health Services and the armed forces for this success.

The latest update from Professor Saroj Jayasinghe, 27th July 2020.

The situation as of late-July 2020 is almost the same. The numbers have increased to 2772 but still, they are within clusters. We recently had a scare when a few counsellors from a drug rehab centre in Kandakadu got the infection and had travelled widely across the country. All their contacts have been traced and so far there is no community spread. It is very sad that Sri Lankans are not appreciative of their own success story and the fact that we have averted a calamity.

Interviewed by Kuvera Premawardhana


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